- Course of specialization in Limit Analysis at Milan Polytechnic School, November 1980.
- Teledyne training course on ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Brussels, May 1981.
- VI National Conference of AIMETA (Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), Genoa, October 1982.
- 7th International Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT)”, Chicago, August 1983.
- Seminar On “Leak-Before-Break: International Policies And Supporting Research”, Columbus, Ohio, October 28-30, 1985.
- Training course on “Response Spectrum Method In Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures”, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1986.
- 9th International Conference on “Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT)”, Lausanne, August 1987.
- VI National Convention of Italian Fracture Group, Ancona, June 1990.
- Meetings on “Arbitration Rights”, Genoa, February 1999.
- Training course on “Geotechnical characterization of loose soils and the selection of the design parameters: foundations and climbs”, Genoa, March 1999.
- Training course on “Methodology and Practice for the preparation of the Safety and Coordination Plan and Technical File”, Genoa, April 1999.
- Training course as “Safety Coordinator in Design and Construction Phases of Building and Civil Works”, Genoa, February 2000.
- Technical-Practical Course “Steel Constructions Design for Safety in case of Fire”, Genoa, April 2009. (see certificate)
- ASME LTC (Leadership Training Course) 2011, Dallas (Texas), March 2011.
- International Conference on “PED Requirements and ASME Code”, Genoa, October 20-21, 2011.
- Oil and Gas International Conference on “Contractors Chain e the development perspectives of the International Market”, San Donato Milanese, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 3 February 2012.
- Congress “inGEnium: Genoa Engineering in the world”, Genoa, April 2012.
- Workshop on “Ethics and Solidarity in performing the Profession of Engineer”, Genoa, October 6, 2012.
- Workshop on “Engineering and Law”, Genoa, October 13, 2012.
- Workshop “Internationalization and Professional Activities”, Genoa, October 13, 2012.
- Workshop “Internationalization and Professional Activities”, Genoa, October 13, 2012.
- Workshop on “Seismic Engineering and new NTC”, MADE Expo 2012, Milan, October 22, 2012.
- Workshop on "Mechanical and seismic technologies applied to building and infrastructure industry" - FIP Industriale, Genoa, 18 July 2013.
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